Can You Use AI to Write Blog Posts: SEO Landscape Changes and EEAT

SEO is a big question on everyone mind right now. Everyone's very confused about "hey, this AI is taking over the internet and it's making all the content. Everyone is using it, What does this mean for SEO?"

Google just came out with its helpful content update, and a lot of people got crushed by that.

This is probably the biggest SEO change that I've seen since I have been in the industry.

So people are just kinda confused.

They're really wondering what the SEO landscape looks like right now. Like, "I'm writing this piece of content, what's going on? Should I use AI or not?"

Everyone's trying to figure out how to navigate this new world of SEO, especially when using AI to create content.

You will learn here what the new world of seo looks like, the EEAT google helpful content update and how to create original content from AI generated content.

Table of Contents

1. AI content writing

1.1. AI is not a trend it's the new norm to adopt

First of all, I think it's really important to understand that there's a difference between something being a trend and being a new technology. It's really important for people to realize that this is a technology, and it’s not going anywhere.

It's kind of like when the internet first came out—people were skeptical, thinking, "This is never going to go anywhere."

All the major companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have their own AIs. They've been using AI systems for years.

But now, we're just entering a new era of AI where people can interact with it. We have a new creative tool that can assist creators.

AI isn't a trend; it's something to adopt as a new way of doing business, a new way of existing online, and being a content creator.

1.2. More and more people are accepting AI in content creation.

This is the future. We remember that when AI was first kind of creeping through all the different channels, I was like, "I don't know about this." I was definitely not one of the earliest adopters. Yet I was just wondering about how it was going to affect things, and it became very clear: this is not a trend; this is not something that is going away.

As time passed, more people started to slowly realize and accept that they needed to adapt and learn how to work with this new technology rather than resist it. The industry is now in a phase of figuring out how to best utilize AI while still maintaining quality and meeting search engine guidelines.

1.3. Does Google penalize us for AI content?

The biggest question is to what extent does Google penalize us for using AI in content creation? I mean, they must not, right? But to what extent are we using AI?

Because when AI first came onto the market, and content creators started using it, it was a bit more robotic.

Even now, I can tell there's a really big difference in Jasper, the tool that we use now, from 3 months ago.

It sounds a lot more human-like, a lot more natural, and it's giving much better results as well. So I know that AI is also learning very quickly.

It depends on the result.

For Google, AI content is just content. It's okay as long as it's useful, helpful, original, and satisfies aspects of E-E-A-T

1.4. Do we need to be concerned at all about using AI to write 100% of our content or the vast majority of it?

This is a really big question. For now we can't. AI is getting better but it's still robotics sometimes. And search engines want us to write helpful contents with a lot of personal touches, that AI can't figure out for us.

1.5. Where does AI play a role in my content creation, or where should it play a role in my content creation?

In blogging, you're trying to satisfy user intent. When someone is looking for something, there's a question you're trying to answer.

Here’s the issue: the top 10 answers or maybe the top 50 answers hat you see are going to be answering the same question.

So, a lot of content that people create is repetitive. It’s kind of robotic in the sense that it’s saying the same thing that their competitors are saying.

When people take the time to realize that AI is really only doing the things they already do more efficiently, they see the value. Then they can figure out, "What can I add to this to make it better?" What are the things that you can do that AI can't do to make that content really incredible?

1.6. Focus on Adding Your Perspective and Experience

Let AI handle the robotic and repeatable tasks, such as answering common questions, creating outlines, and writing out general steps.

Then, experiment by adding your own steps, tips, and insights based on your personal experience.

This is the part that AI can't do; it can't provide those incredible real-life examples that make your audience say, "Wow, they get me; they've been through the same thing." Focus on making your content valuable by infusing it with your unique, relatable perspective.

1.7 .Be Unique in Your Content Creation with AI

When people search for content and click on an article, they often find similar information across multiple sources. However, if your article offers something different, unique, a personal insight that stands out, it will make them stop and think.

That’s what gets readers to check out more of your content, explore your brand, and start to connect with you.

Let AI take care of the general information, but make sure you add your voice, your tips, and your experiences to truly stand out. This is a key part of what is taught at

The end goal is for AI and humans to work together to create the most valuable and helpful content. That makes sense, right?

1.8. Communicate with Your Audience

Communicate with your audience when you write. Because it's literally the only thing that you have that can separate your content from anybody else's, absolutely.

It's all about teaching. Another person can say something to you, and you will listen. My mom talks about this all the time; she gets really pissed off because she'll be like, "I used to tell you that all the time when you were a kid, but now that this person told you that, you'll listen." I think a lot of parents have that experience. We listen more to friends and mentors.

The reality is that sometimes we just need to hear something in a certain way for it to click. There are universal answers or concepts or ideas that we can all be aware of or agree upon.

What's going to make it special is how you can provide a unique perspective that maybe makes it click for somebody that someone else can't.

AI content is repetitive. But think about what makes you different or unique or special, or able to teach this in a way that someone else might relate to, or how the generalized concept might click for them.

2. SEO in the age of AI

2.1. What's a Simple Explanation of SEO?  

Think about it as your credibility and expertise online. It's the things that make you appear to be an authority on whatever you're talking about in the eyes of search engines, so it might rank you higher.

2.2. Is SEO Hard?

It's funny because people think that it needs to be something drastic, like, "Oh, I have a doctorate in this thing." That's not what it is about; it's about topical understanding.

So be the person you describe yourself as. Show this is your passion and publish a lot of content around this. Spend hours studying it and have published papers about these things, like self-published stuff.

That makes you an expert too. You don't have to be someone who has a doctorate in a field to be considered an expert. But it is very important that you do know why you are an expert, even if it's just that you're curious.

2.3. SEO Is Still Critical, Even in a Shifting Landscape

People need to realize that SEO still matters, big time. Yes, content will always matter. You need to get out there, create, and stop overthinking it. It’s not just about planning or prepping for perfection. It’s about putting fingers to keyboard and creating something.

2.4. Is SEO Still Worth It for New Bloggers?

There’s this ongoing question floating around about whether SEO still matters, especially if you're starting a new blog or just starting to focus on it.

My answer? Absolutely. Even with all the updates Google has thrown at us, like the helpful content update and the rise of AI, I've seen improvements in traffic. So yes, SEO is still very much worth focusing on.

2.5. What is the Helpful Content Update?

Well, Google doesn’t exactly announce their updates in detail, but the general idea behind this one is that Google now prioritizes content that’s genuinely helpful.

There is two key things: does the content answer the question, and is it actually helpful?

It’s about more than just data, it’s about delivering that answer in a way that clicks for people.

2.6. Anyone Can Become an Expert

A great example of this is Thomas Frank.

He is widely known as one of the best resources for getting organized in business or in life.

And it's funny because he's not a neuroscientist or a psychologist or anything like that.

He's just a nerd who loves organizing his life, and by continuing to publish content and continuing to talk about that, experimenting with it, it's something he's naturally curious about and continues to express.

He exists in that ecosystem and shows Google, "Hey, this person kind of has some authoritativeness on this."

2.7. Let Authority Build Naturally

It all comes down to being authentic and natural. If you think about Google's goal, all of its algorithms are ideally designed to reward natural content. The problem is that people often try to game the system.

But when considering something like the E-E-A-T formula (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness), think about what a natural state of this would look like.

The natural way to build authority isn’t by faking it but by being active in the communities of your niche. Engage with professionals, listen to relevant podcasts, share your studies or experiments, and contribute to the conversation.

This involvement will naturally build your authority and lead to features in major platforms like Forbes, as well as other opportunities. By immersing yourself in the subject and consistently adding value, your expertise and authority will grow organically.

3. EEAT in AI content creation and Seo

3.1. What's EEAT?

E-E-A-T is an acronym that stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It's how Google defines high-quality content. Even AI content must meet E-E-A-T standards.

Someone may say, "I'm a professional at this," while another person has paid a lot of money for that and doesn't even know all of it. It's E-E-A-T that convinced them, and now you see why Google ranks that better.

3.2. How to Demonstrate EEAT?

To meet these standards naturally, you should focus on your genuine experiences in your niche. When you're regularly discussing or practicing something, you gain real experience, and Google can recognize that.

By looking at your online presence, your engagement with others, and the content you produce, Google can assess that you truly know about blogging, making money, or investing.

Building credibility is about consistently sharing your expertise and experiences in a natural and authentic way, not about chasing degrees or formal recognition.

3.3. E-E-A-T is More Important Than Ever in Content Creation That Uses AI

This is becoming more and more important. Google is beginning to prioritize this more and more because of the sheer volume of content on the internet and the sheer volume of content written by people who don't know anything about anything. Especially now that we have this tool with AI.

I suppose it's a good thing that people are using AI because at least most of the content won't be wrong since they don’t just make it up, right?

Google is prioritizing this E-E-A-T because they want to emphasize content from people who do have experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in what they're talking about.

3.4. What Can People Do to Show That They Have This EEAT Portion Covered for Their Website or Content?

First of all, they must recognize, as said before, that AI is a tool and you are a person using that tool.

Then you must dig deeper into this technology. It's kind of like those videos on my TikTok feed, such as tips for how to use an iPhone, and there’s stuff that I didn't even know. I realized that when I use my iPhone, I only know about 10% of the functions.

So it's really important for everyone to consistently understand how content creation with AI tools works, and that's what we're really moving into. Createandgo’s course tries to educate people on AI.

4. Personnalize your AI content

4.1. How to include your personality in AI?

Chat GPT tool just sounds like a rich Banker, it's super weird.

And it's just because that's what a lot of the data on the internet sounds like. And so you want to include your personality in there., and you should make sure that you're letting your tool know that.

You must use your personality.

Here is how you can include your personality:

4.2. Suggest to AI

Writing with AI tools is only as effective as your understanding and usage of them. A key aspect of this is that AI is suggestive; you can offer it suggestions, and it will follow those. Don’t just let an AI tool spit things out.

You make an outline and share your general thoughts with the AI, then make personalized suggestions for each paragraph.

4.3. Content creation ideas with AI to make your content unique

Suggest to your AI your perspectives and ideas on things.

Here are some questions that will help you out :

  • What is the thing that you wish you always had? What’s the thing that you wish you always knew?
  • When you’re reading a piece of content, what’s a question you wanted answered as soon as you clicked on it?
  • Is there something that could have helped you understand it sooner? Something that would have made it click for you.
  • Is there knowledge you have that you’re ignoring or don’t think is valuable enough to include?

This could really help your audience.

If you ponder these questions for every piece of content you create, ask yourself, “Where is my value in this?”

Find a way to add that into your content outside of using an AI tool.

Maybe you excel at making infographics or chart, then go for it!

4.4. Show your experience through your bio page

Creating a compelling "About Me" page goes beyond just listing where you went to school or what your blog is about.

It’s about telling your story, reflecting your expertise or experience through the content you create.

It’s important to align the story you tell in your author bio and "About Me" page with the content on your blog. Rather than focusing on just achievements, emphasize what those experiences taught you and how they shaped you.

It's not just about what you have, but what you’ve gained from your journey.

4.5. Show that you have expertise

Try to make sure that you write not necessarily lengthy but thorough information about your expertise in places that matters.

It's not about what you have, it's about what you got right, what are you giving in term of quality.

Anybody can get a school degree, but what did you actually get from going to school?

We are talking about this deeper understanding, the commitment to a specific type of topic, that says something about you as a person to your audience and search engines.

4.6. Link your Linkedin profile

Expertise is also relate to your LinkedIn profile other social profiles on the internet. Google can read these things. Make sure that you have your LinkedIn profile filled out even if you don't use LinkedIn.

Things like that also matter. It's not just for Google, it's also a good first impression on your audience.

It's there to be like "hey you know, this person has a proper understanding of who I am and what I want".

4.7. Diversify your online presence

You can't necessarily control how they'll get their first impression of you, they might find a YouTube video, a LinkedIn profile, a Twitter profile, etc, and those will lead people to your website, to your products and things like that.

Be on several social networks. That sort of system is something that builds an overall image of who you are and this online presence matters in the long run.

So you are properly represented on the internet.

4.8. Personal Experience Now Plays a Bigger Role

With their update, Google is leaning towards content that prioritizes first-person experiences and familiarity with the topic.

It’s not just about throwing facts out there, you have to offer your own perspectives and insights while staying true to established concepts. It’s about making your content the most helpful, relatable version it can be.

5. How to write more content and be competitive in the AI age

5.1. Just Start: Stop overplanning, Start Doing

It’s easy to get caught up in planning, trying to get everything just right in your head, but none of that matters if you’re not taking action.

Creating content consistently is what counts.

You can still rank for things, you still can be an expert on things and you still can get search traffic and that's not going to go away relatively soon. Take actions.

5.2. SEO Content is Versatile: More Than Just Search Rankings

SEO content isn’t just for search engines.

You can repurpose it for different platforms, use it in courses, opt-ins, videos, whatever you need. It has so many uses beyond ranking, and that’s something to keep in mind when you're doubting its value.

5.3. Have fun

Remember creating content is something that should be rewarding and fun.

You should be following your own Curiosities and really exploring that idea of having personal experience with a topic.

So that's really what I'd say to people who creates content, and that's the main thing that I want to get across in our course.

5.4. Discipline in Content Creation Matters

Frequency is important in content creation and will become even more crucial.

Your competition can overshadow you if someone just as good as you is producing more content. The reality is that you are unique; you have your own perspectives.

5.5. How to Compete with Someone Who Produces More Content Than You with AI  

Be super helpful and create truly unique, creative content.

If you aren’t developing a very distinctive approach, you’ll be directly competing with others who are producing similar content at a quicker rate.

You need to decide that you’re going to approach this by making something so helpful, unique, and specific to you that it brings more value than content created at a rapid pace.

5.6. How Often Should You Post in Your Content Creation?  

Google likes it when you post five times a week. It appreciates when you actively demonstrate expertise in your field.

Once a week of great content should be the absolute minimum, but ideally, aim for 2 or 3 times a week. 4 times a week if you are a psychopath.

5.7. Be Like James Clear  

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, wrote on his blog every day.

He published a new blog post because he was genuinely obsessed with habits.

He embodied the idea of being obsessed with productivity and shared his insights daily.

That’s how it should be, people should really love what they’re creating and want to talk about it every day.

5.8. Be Excited to Create Content  

If you’re not feeling like James Clear, it’s okay, but you should be looking to shift in a direction where you do.

You chose your niche for a reason, and you should find ways to make it meaningful and interesting so that writing five times a week sounds enjoyable to you.

Be excited to create content for your audience because sharing your knowledge can be fun!

Remember, people don’t know this stuff, and it’s rewarding to be able to share it with them.

5.9. Scale your Content Creation

We're getting to the point where as a content creator, you are an entrepreneur. And if you're serious, it's actually a full-time job.

While passive income is possible, it often relies on fleeting trends, requiring adaptability.

Sustained success, whether on platforms like Google, YouTube, Pinterest, or Instagram, demands consistent content production.

Thanks to AI, there are ways to outsource this, but as you grow, a team becomes necessary to manage scaling across multiple platforms.

Make sure to check the blog to learn more on topics about blogging business, or the YouTube channel.

And here at AIBusinessLift, we will share with you everything about how to use AI to write originally.

"At Google, we've long believed in the power of AI to transform the ability to deliver helpful information. (...) AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web."

Google Search Central

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